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Visitor Organizer Deluxe 3.71

Visitor Organizer Deluxe Visitor Organizer Deluxe 3.71

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Visitor Organizer Deluxe Publisher's Description

Visitor Organizer Deluxe for Windows: visitor management software for businesses, schools, offices, or any buildings. Our software gives your receptionist or security personnel an easy way to enter, manage, track, and organize visitors. For the database novice, Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use visitor management solutions make it easy to set up and use. Visitor Simple : Simple database template that gives you an easy way to track your visitors (track the following information: visitor name, visit type, visit id number, visitor identification data, vehicle information, company data, day, time in, time out, visit details, visit notes, and more) Visitor Detailed : Complete database template that gives you an easy way to manage, and track visitor/visit information in a detailed form (track the following information: visitor name, visit type, visit id number, day, time in, time out, visit details, visit notes). For the power user, Organizer affords the simplicity of wizards that make it easy to set up and use visitor management solutions that you create.

What's New in Version 3.71 of Visitor Organizer Deluxe

improvements in: task bar, print customized documents, duplicating database, ...

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